122 Van Norden Street
Washington, N.C. 27889
Phone: (252) 946-4300
Mon - Fri: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sat: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Sun: Closed
Click here to visit the FOBL website!
The Friends of Brown Library is a membership organization that supports the programs and operations of the library through various projects and activities.
The annual Friends of the Brown Library Book Sale is held the third weekend in January. The event takes place at the Washington Civic Center with a sneak preview for members only on Thursday.
Donations (Books and Media):
* All donated items are accepted with the stipulation that they will be used at the discretion of the library director. Items will not be returned once given. They may be added to the collection, sold in the annual Friends of the Library book sale, or discarded.
Memorial and Honorarium Donations
Thank you for your interest in the Brown Library’s Gift Program. Dedicating a book or other materials at the Library is a unique way to honor the memory of friends and loved ones. For each memorial or honorarium donation, the Library will select a book or other library material. If a special subject or type of book is requested, we will do our best to honor the request. A card announcing your gift will be sent to the person you honor or the family of the person you remembered.
A book plate announcing your gift is inserted in the front of every dedicated book. Gifts in memory or in honor of someone may be made by filling out a card at the circulation desk. Please notify staff at the time of donation if you prefer your donation remain anonymous.
For your convenience, a printable form is located at the bottom of the page for memorial and honorarium donations.
Donations (Monetary)
If you would like to make a monetary contribution to the library, please contact the library at (252) 946-4300.